Does this image conjure any familiar scenarios when trying to find that 'perfect' color? It may seem at first look that this is a very organized, sensible approach to discovering the best color for an area. But here's the bad news: IT. IS. NOT.
Our brains can only handle comprehending color choices when we narrow the options down. Also, when the colors are presented in a certain manner.
Placing more than a couple of options in any given area can confuse the whole decision making process. And, to place paint samples directly on a surface means you've allowed a substance to dry in a patch that will stay right in that one spot. You can't tell how that color will perform when up against the carpet down low to the floor, or against the white cabinetry or the dark red tiling in the kitchen, or the greenish stonework in the bathroom.
A better choice is to take the same wet paint and apply it to foam core board of white slick art board that can act as a pre-primed surface for paint. The size should be no less than 8" by 8" in size.
(The worst - and most common mistake - is when people take a piece of brown grocery bag paper or newspaper and spread some paint on it.) But by using the proper type of sample board, the paint coats (at least two) will reveal the true opacity of the color. At that point you can then hold that dry sample piece up anywhere in the area: behind that piece of art, held next to the cabinet, or taken down near the floor boards. THIS done along with your lighting IN PLACE ALREADY - you're 99% there in selecting the best color choice for any area.