This client had cabinets that were over 20 years old, had never been truly 'finished', and had some funky stain on them that was just dark dark dark...did I say that they were 'D-A-R-K'? The home is located in the woods and needs more light as it is, and this kitchen just made it so outdated and uninviting to cook or prepare ANYTHING let alone feed a family every day!
After cleaning and prepping the tired woodwork, I select two different warm brown coffee-like colors to create a fresh look, but also one that helped bring out the modern beauty they'd already had in their counter top and stone backsplash...
I had to hunt down handles of the old style that they liked- took 10 hardware stores and two weeks to finally get them. Plan for this well in advance if you have a project like this and ACE HARDWARE stores are the best ones to check for old hardware & pulls.