I got a call from a new client to come out and give them an estimate on repairing & repainting their kitchen.
I went over to scope it out, smelled the stench of cooked meat just dripping from the surfaces of their small kitchen & breakfast nook, then gave them my estimate based on THREE FULL DAYS OF CLEANING FIRST!
After they gasped at my estimate, I asked if I could move their stove from behind the wall. I also asked them when the last time it was that they'd had a hard-core deep cleaning in there. As they mumbled and looked surprised at my questions, I simply said, "May I?", as I began moving the stove. These photos revealed what I suspected. The shots also illustrate WHY my bid was what it was (upwards of $2,000 just for the EXTERIORS of cabinets, walls & ceiling in kitchen ONLY).
Now, I can't make people change their cleaning or organizing or hoarding habits, but once I finish in an area, it usually has an affect on them to keep it decent - and safer for all inhabitants - at least for the next 30 years that they may not deep clean!