Lately I've taken on three clients who are retired teachers. Like most of their 'breed' (just like my parents!), these folks all have A LOT of books. Shelves and shelves of books. Most of them already read and not to be read again. Two of these folks are writing their own books and all three are still involved in academics in some form.
And, they all have this in common: THEY NEED TO DOWNSIZE. The 'real estate' of every room has become very high and every corner is precious now. Old records, old cd's, old photo albums, etc. They all want color on their walls and my help to create a fresh look and feel in their homes using what they've already got. I cannot provide the best for them though unless they get rid of a lot of the excess. Only then can we get to those clean lines and sweet surfaces so that you can actually sit or place new things on....

What to toss, donate, throw away, give away, etc. is where I come in. This is all with a goal in mind to be able to get at the walls and apply beautiful new colors. I find every abandoned nook-and-cranny and curve of a surface to bring out the best possible use of it and draw attention to it.
New lighting is often something that everyone can use and usually it will help to showcase that art that's been sitting on the floor hidden behind those stacks of books in the corner! Let me have at it!
For little cost, you can reinvigorate your home into a retirement paradise and hold onto only those things that really feel important to you.

I usually begin by looking at your flooring, carpets and furnishings you have and whip out my fan decks to find colors in these you probably have not noticed before. We begin there and then explore the options as our direction now gets mapped out.
All this to help you create something restful as well as purposeful in your retirement years!